Staff Vacation

Eligibility for Vacation

  • Full-time employees, part-time employees, 以及有资格享受福利的半年资雇员(见政策7).7, Employee Classifications, 对于这些分类的定义)有权享受带薪假期, 其应计率取决于他们的工作分类和服务年资. 全职雇员的年假应计费率表说明如下.
  • 兼职员工和半年制员工将获得与全职员工相同比例的假期. 在这种情况下,允许的具体时间长度将由员工的主管与人力资源部协商确定.
  • 如果所属部门比其他行政部门认可更长的学习假期,那么员工就必须从假期中扣除这些天数,并将其报告为假期. 法定假日以外的时间必须在工资记录上注明为假期.
  • To avoid conflict of commitment, 在行政和一般办公时间指导学术课程而获得额外报酬的员工必须从他们的假期累积中扣除时间,并将该时间报告为假期.

Schedule of Annual Vacation Accrual Rates


Staff Hired Prior to June 1, 1995

Group I: Principal Administrative Officers, Senior Administrative, 专业人员-其任务需要专业领域公认的最高水平技能的个人,以及其行政任务需要广泛的业务知识并允许在监督部门或解决复杂政策问题方面采取相当独立的行动的个人. 第一组地位的确定由副主席建议并由主席批准.

Length of Employment
Annual Vacation
From benefits-eligible service date through 10 years
22 days
Start of 11th year and beyond
30 days


Group II: Job grades 12 and higher

Length of Employment
Annual Vacation
From benefits-eligible service date through 10 years
15 days
Start of 11th year and beyond
20 days


Group III:  All Staff not in Group I or Group II

Length of Employment
Annual Vacation
From benefits-eligible service date through 5 years
10 days
Start of 6th year through 15 years
15 days
Start of 16th year and beyond
20 days


Staff Hired On or After June 1, 1995

Group IV: Staff who are not Principal Administrative Officers, 下文第五组所述高级行政和专业人员.

Length of Employment
Annual Vacation
From benefits-eligible service date through 5 years
10 days
Start of 6th year through 15 years
15 days
Start of 16th year and beyond
20 days

NEW: 从2025年1月1日起,休假时间将按以下费率累积:

Length of Employment
Annual Vacation
From benefits-eligible service date through 2 years
10 days
Start of 3rd year through 5 years 12 days
Start of 6th year through 15 years 15 days
Start of 16th year and beyond
20 days

Group V: Principal Administrative Officers, Senior Administrative, 专业人员-其任务需要专业领域公认的最高水平技能的个人,以及其行政任务需要广泛的业务知识并允许在监督部门或解决复杂政策问题方面采取相当独立的行动的个人. 第五组地位的确定由副主席建议并由主席批准.

Length of Employment
Annual Vacation
From benefits-eligible service date through 5 years
15 days
Start of 6th year and beyond
20 days


Vacation Accrual and Payout

工作12个月的员工可享受年假总额的十二分之一, each month. 工作少于12个月的员工将按比例获得假期.

  • 在员工被批准的无薪休假期间,假期将不累积, unless otherwise required by law.
  • Employees may not share or loan vacation to co-workers.
  • 在计算加班费时,假期不被视为“工作时间”.
  • 在一周年纪念日之前终止雇佣关系的员工将不会获得未使用假期的工资.
  • 员工因任何原因离职,并在90天内被学校重新聘用,将保持其原有的福利服务日期. Employees who leave University employment for any reason, 但90多天后又被学校重新聘用, 会被视为新员工有新的福利服务日期吗.
  • 终止雇佣关系时带薪的应计假期不得超过6月1日前受聘人员在雇佣关系的最后一年所适用的津贴, 1995, 6月1日及以后受聘的,不得超过10天, 1995. Any additional accrued vacation is forfeited.

When Vacation May Be Taken

Vacation must be accrued before it is taken. 连续工作满90天后,适逢员工试用期, employees may begin to take accrued vacation. See Policy 7.6 Probationary Period

  • 除了与家庭和医疗休假法(FMLA)休假相结合的假期或美国.S. military leave, 主管必须批准所有休假,并可决定不休假的时间段. 部门效率和工作需要将是准予休假的首要考虑因素.
  • 不带薪休假不能代替累积的假期,除非员工在美国.S. military leave.
  • When an employee has no medical leave available, 假期将用于员工因病缺勤期间的工资延续. 假期结束后,员工将被置于无薪休假状态. See Policy 7.16, Family and Medical Leave Act Policy.

Maximum Vacation Accruals

员工应该休假,而不是积累过多的余额, 请记住,在终止雇佣关系时支付的假期是有限的, as referenced below.

  • If, however, the employee cannot be released from work to take vacation, 未使用的假期累计可达员工适用年假的两倍, 但仍须以终止雇佣时所容许的最高支付额为限.
  • 以年假金额的两倍为上限,即在未休完年假前不计入年假.

Vacation and Medical Leave

雇员在休假期间生病或受伤,如果他们本应因病或受伤而缺勤,或者疾病或受伤符合FMLA的规定,则可以将该时间报告为病假. See Policy 7.16, Family and Medical Leave Act. 可能需要医生证明来证实所报告的病假时间.