

电子邮件: benefitsu@haodd888.com
电话: 214-768-3311


SMU is committed to providing an array of programs that benefit 和 protect 你 和 你r family throughout 你r working years at SMU, 和, 如果你符合新大的退休资格标准, 在你离开新大后的退休期间.

的 SMU retirement plans are an important part of 你r future financial security 和 the University has done much to provide the resources, 工具, 和 services that can help 你 determine how much income 你 will need for 你r retirement years, 制定一个计划来实现你的目标,并按照自己的方式退休.

的 退休计划谘询委员会 is a group of dedicated faculty 和 staff helping the University administration with all things related to the SMU 退休 Plan.



泛美:记录保持者 & 投资经理

客户服务:  800-755-5801

的 SMU 403(b)退休计划 is a valuable benefit 和 one of the most powerful ways to build 你r retirement savings. It is important to underst和 how the plan works so that 你 can reach 你r retirement income goals.


如果你是全职或兼职(每周工作时间超过20小时),有资格享受福利的员工, 您最早可以在21岁时参加新大的退休计划.
如果你在税前基础上贡献5%的基本工资, 您将收到新大匹配捐款. 如果你 contribute less than 5%, 你 will 不 be 符合条件的 for matching contributions.


Participation (5% pretax contribution) is required as a condition of employment for full-time employees age 36 or older.
博士后, 每周工作至少20小时的临时工, 和兼职教师有资格在自愿的基础上捐款, 但没有资格获得新大等额供款.
如果你在税前基础上贡献5%的基本工资, 新加坡管理大学将支付你基本工资的8%,直到你年满41岁. SMU begins contributing 10% of 你r base salary the month following 你r 41st birthday. You may make additional pretax 和/or after tax (ROTH) unmatched contributions up to IRS limits.
It is important that 你 sign into 你r Transamerica account 和 designate 你r beneficiaries 和 update 你r designations as needed.


合资格家庭关系令 每个QDRO $250(分配时从参与者账户中扣除)
贷款维护 $6.25 per quarter (不 charged in the quarter the loan is issued/refinanced or paid-off). 在此费用生效日期之前的贷款不收取此费用. 贷款维护费是贷款设置费之外的费用.


  • 完整的分布
  • 困难撤军
  • 在职分布
  • 合同交易
注意: 的se fees are waived when distributions are made due to the participant’s death or disability; from a beneficiary’s account; as a direct rollover to a Transamerica IRA; to purchase an annuity through Transamerica; or as a Required Minimum Distribution. 的 fee is also waived on unscheduled withdrawals by a former participant until the final distribution from their account.

退休计划顾问:Todd Hutson

新大泛美退休计划顾问托德·赫特森(Todd Hutson). Todd is available on campus Monday - Friday to discuss 你r retirement planning needs, 投资分配, 还有关于你的账户的任何问题.

点击 在这里 访问他的日程表并安排约会. 

电子邮件我们 托德.hutson@transamerica.com

打电话给我们 214-768-7504


For more information about the 退休 Plan 和 to sign in to 你r account, visit the 泛美退休解决方案网站.

的 Transamerica Customer Care Center (800-755-5801) provides assistance with transactions such as loans 和 distributions.


    记录持有者 & 投资经理:OneBridge

    客户服务: 866-363-7484

    为了帮助您为未来的医疗保健需求储蓄,新加坡管理大学提供 退休医疗帐户, a tax-advantaged way to invest 和 accumulate assets to pay for 你r insurance premiums 和 other 符合条件的 health expenses during 你r retirement years.


    • Full-time benefits-符合条件的 faculty 和 staff are automatically enrolled in an 退休保健帐户 at age 40. 你会做出贡献 $93.64 per month (prorated depending on 你r pay schedule) on a pre-tax basis during the 2024 历年. SMU will make equal matching contributions on 你r behalf as long as 你 remain an 符合条件的 employee - until 你 retire or for up to 25 years, 以先发生者为准. 一旦注册, 你可以选择如何投资你和新大的供款, 在几个投资选择中.

    • Age 40+ m和atory contributions (including SMU matching contributions) will increase 4% each year.

    • You can also enroll in 和 make voluntary, after-tax contributions to an 退休保健帐户. 新大不提供自愿捐款. 请电子邮件 benefitsu@haodd888.com 如你希望作出自愿性税后供款.

    • 你对退休医疗账户的捐款立即生效. SMU's matching contributions to 你r account vest after 你 complete seven years of employment.


    您可以查看您的帐户活动通过访问 Emeritihealth.org. 如果您从未登录过您的帐户,请单击“新用户”? “在线注册”,然后按照“新用户注册”说明进行操作.


    只要你在退休时符合新加坡管理大学的资格要求, 你和你的配偶, 如果符合条件, will have access to retiree medical insurance - either through BCBSTX or Emeriti, 取决于你的年龄和你配偶的年龄.

    • 退休资格要求: 你必须年满60岁,在新大工作至少10年,  enrolled in the SMU Medical Plan for at least 5 consecutive years immediately prior to retirement. 
    • 配偶资格要求: Married to 配偶 for the five-year period immediately preceding 你r retirement.
    • 如果你  你r 配偶 退休时65岁或以上, 你 may both enroll in the Emeriti Health Plan.
    • If  退休时65岁或以上, 但你的配偶未满65岁, 你 will enroll in the Emeriti Health Plan 和 你r 配偶 will remain in the BCBSTX plan until they reach age 65.
    • 如果你退休时你的配偶已经65岁或以上, 但你还没到65岁,您和您的配偶将继续参加BCBSTX计划.  当 达到65岁,你们都有机会加入艾默里提健康计划.


    只要你符合上述退休准则, 你在2008年1月1日之前被雇佣,并且在那一天至少40岁,新大将支付你的部分医疗保险费.  这也适用于你的配偶, 只要他/她符合上述准则, even if he/she was 不 enrolled in an SMU Medical plan for the 5-year period preceding 你r retirement.

    的 amount paid by SMU is based on whether 你 和/or 你r 配偶 are enrolled in the Emeriti Health Insurance Plan or the BCBSTX plan.

    • 在参加BCBSTX计划时, 新大将继续提供雇主部分 每月BCBSTX医疗保险费的一半 an 符合条件的 配偶.
    • 在参加埃默里蒂健康计划时, 新大每月津贴为:
      • 65 - 69岁: $142
      • 70 - 74岁: $166
      • 75岁或以上 $198
      • 自2024年1月1日起, 新大的保费补贴将冻结在2024年生效的补贴金额上.

    What If I Meet the Age And Years Of Employment Criteria But Was Not Enrolled In SMU Medical Coverage During 的 5-Year Period Preceding 退休?

    • 只要你符合60岁和10年的就业标准, 您和您的配偶将获得新大退休人员健康保险, 尽管你会  符合资格申请新大保费津贴.  你会, 然而, have access to the contributions 你 made 和 the vested contributions SMU made to 你r 退休保健帐户 during 你r active years - to pay for premiums 和 other 符合条件的 expenses after retirement.


    • 一般, 如果您决定不参加新大退休人员健康保险, 您不能在以后的时间注册.  然而, if 你 decide 不 to enroll because 你 have coverage under 你r 配偶's insurance, 然后他/她就失去了保险, 你将有机会参加新大健康保险, 不过新大不会支付保险费补贴.


    Emeriti牙科保险也由Aetna管理. 如果您退休年龄为60岁,并且在新大工作了至少10年, 您和您的配偶可以参加退休牙科计划. 如果你 are interested in Dental coverage 你 must enroll in Emeriti Medical 和 Rx coverage.  新大不承担牙科保险费用.  

    • 重要的是:  如果你退休时没有参加牙科计划, t在这里 will be a six month waiting period before Major dental expenses are covered under the Emeriti Dental Plan.  然而, the waiting period will be waived if t在这里 is no more than a three month break in coverage 和 proof of prior coverage is provided.




    一旦你决定退休,有很多事情要考虑.  Below 你 will find links to several helpful documents containing important information about the SMU retirement process.

