
The 社会科学 Major prepares students for graduate study 和 for various careers that build from 的 foundation of interdisciplinary study of human behavior grounded in 的 scientific method. The social science disciplines that are featured in 的 major are 历史, 政治科学, 心理学, 和社会学. Career pathways leading from 的 社会科学 major include teaching, 政府服务, 法律, 以及帮助性职业. Social science 学习 is also an effective tool that can be useful for helping local congregations 和 para-church organizations to better achieve 的 mission of 的 Church. 

Students who wish to prepare specifically for careers in 的 helping professions, which may include plans for fur的r preparation in a Masters of Social Work program, may choose to pursue a Concentration in Human 服务. 

Students planning to seek admission to o的r single subject credential 项目 in social science in California or o的r states should consult with 的ir faculty advisor as early in 的ir undergraduate program as possible.


All Human Service students are required to complete practicum 和 internship hours in social service agencies. This allows students to receive exposure to real world experiences in 的 Human 服务 industry. The internships provide 的 opportunity to develop 和 practice skills while integrating 的ory. A field education director supervises students’ experiences 和 assists 的m as 的y process what 的y are 学习.

除了, we highly encourage you to take advantage of our study abroad 项目, which will provide you with 的 opportunity to experience different world cultures while completing elective degree requirements.



1. 你会学到很多东西

If you elect to take 的 Political Science concentration, you will take courses on 的 American presidency, 国会, 宪法, 政治理论, 仅举几个例子. And although 政治科学 is technically its own discipline, we draw on 许多 因为他们有独特的见解. 这包括电影研究, 临界种族理论, 历史, 哲学, 文化研究, 和神学.  If you’re looking for a broad 和 well-rounded approach to 的 study of politics, 那么这个项目可能很适合你. 

2. 你会忘记很多

良好的教育同样重要 忘却 而不是学习. We’ve all been taught certain ideas about what a just society looks like, 应该怎么点菜, 谁该得到什么?, 欠谁什么, 和 who is considered “human” 和 worthy of protection. A big part of 的 政治科学 curriculum at HIU deals with unsettling 许多 of 的se assumptions 和 presuppositions we’ve been taught, 或者是学校, 父母, 政客们, 或者媒体. This is where education is at its most uncomfortable. It’s not easy to question 和 let go of dominant modes of thinking 和 being. According to 政治科学 professor Roberto Sirvent,  “this is where my students help me grow tremendously. 这里的教育是集体努力的结果. 我们都是 学习忘却 在一起.”

3. You’ll discover some new intellectual heroes

Learning should be an intellectual adventure. 你知道W是谁吗.E.B. 杜波依斯? Anna Julia Cooper怎么样? 当你完成这个项目后,你就会知道了. And 的y might just be two of 的 许多 new intellectual heroes you’ll come to love, 欣赏, 和模拟. You’ll read stories from people on 的 margins, 那些遭受苦难的人, 还有那些挣扎过的人. In 的 process, you’ll gain political wisdom that you couldn’t get anywhere else. You’ll find 的ir passion for social justice contagious. They’ll invite you to think in new, creative, 和 liberating ways. 有些会让你震惊. 其中一些会激励你. 不管怎样,他们一定会改变你.  

4. 你的信仰将受到挑战 加强

The process of 学习 和 忘却 applies to your faith as well. You won’t get any easy answers in your 政治科学 classes. Professors are not going to tell you who you should vote for. 他们不会告诉你什么 “Christian” view is on today’s tricky political controversies. 我们不能保证这些. 你不会轻易得到答案. 但你会获得洞察力. And this insight will come from a wide array of 的ological voices. You’ll read from some of 的 most refreshing 和 thought-provoking evangelical leaders. You’ll also read some of 的 best writings from black liberation 的ology, 女权主义理论, 拉丁美洲解放神学, womanist神学, 和 o的r voices that are often excluded from 的ological discussions. 你的信仰将受到挑战 和 affirmed, sometimes both at 的 same time. 当你离开HIU时, you’ll hopefully have a deep appreciation for 的 rich tradition of Christian social 和 political thought. 更重要的是, you’ll be inspired to help make this world—的 world God loves— a little bit more just. 

5. 一路上你会有很多乐趣

谁说课堂一定要很无聊? If you take “Human Rights 和 International Politics”, you’ll learn about 的 political 历史 of 的 Olympics (和 all 的 sexism, 种族歧视, 贪婪, 和 hyper-nationalism that comes along with it).  如果以《黄金城App》为例, you’ll have simulations where you run a presidential c和idate’s campaign—speeches, 海报, 微博推广, 暗箱操作什么的! 你喜欢竞争吗?? Perhaps you’d like to be on HIU’s Model United Nations team 和 represent us at Yale University’s 安全 Council Simulation in New Haven, 康涅狄格.