Transfer Scholarships

We want you here

Finish strong on the Hilltop, 你的观点和经验将在哪些方面丰富我们的学术界. 我们理解实现您的目标所需要的辛勤工作和奉献精神, 我们致力于让你更容易转学到新大,并提供奖学金和机会,以最大限度地提高你的转学学分.

We Invest in The Best and The Brightest

转学优异奖学金自动颁发给高中毕业后完成24个至少3个转学小时的学生.30 GPA. (Credits earned by exams, such as AP, IB, or CLEP tests, 不计入绩点或可转换学分的奖学金.

  • 转学奖学金仅限于寻求第一个本科学位的学生.

  • 少于24小时的转学生可能会被考虑获得基于高中学业表现的第一年学术奖学金.

  • 续签是基于在学年(秋季和春季学期)成功完成至少24小时的课程。. 在每个春季学期结束时,新大的累积GPA为3.00 is required.

SMU Transfer Academic Scholarships

Annual Value
Credit Requirement
GPA Requirement

North Texas Community College Scholarship

Full tuition & fees

Up to 5 terms

50 Credits


Transfer Honor Scholarship

Half tuition

Up to 5 terms

50 Credits


Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship*


Up to 5 terms

50 Credits


SMU Distinguished Scholarship


Up to 6 terms

24 Credits


SMU Second Century Scholarship


Up to 6 terms

24 Credits


SMU Founders Scholarship


Up to 6 terms

24 Credits


* Phi Theta Kappa奖学金是为Phi Theta Kappa活跃会员提供的补充奖学金.

Additional Transfer Scholarship Information

该奖学金为从科林转学的学生提供10个为期5个学期的全额学费奖学金, Dallas, Grayson, Trinity Valley, 纳瓦罗和塔兰特县社区学院区,并在4月1日之前完成入学申请(仅限秋季入学者). 该奖学金可在全日制学生入学并取得3年级以上成绩的情况下续期.0 GPA are maintained.


  • 完成至少50个可转移学分,至少3个.70 transferable GPA.
  • Submit an essay. This is a personal statement. 我们想了解你,了解你的目标和抱负.
  • Submit 2–3 letters of recommendation.
  • Submit an extracurricular résumé.

您可以在提交申请后24-48小时内在您的个性化状态页面提交所有材料. You will receive an email with the login instructions. 所有NTCC申请材料必须在4月15日之前收到. 

Selection is based on the student’s academic profile, demonstrated leadership, community involvement and unique life experiences. 候选人由大学委员会单独挑选和面试.



  • April 1 - SMU Application Deadline. Submit your SMU Transfer Application Online using the SMU ApplicationThe Common ApplicationApplyTexas, or Apply Coalition with SCOIR.
  • April 15 - Once you have submitted your SMU Application, 登录您的状态页面(您将在24-48小时内收到登录说明),提交您的NTCC奖学金申请并上传您的论文, 两封推荐信和课外/个人简历. 您的NTCC申请和所有补充材料必须在4月15日之前上传.
  • May 16 - Final Spring College Transcript Due.
  • Late-May/Early June -委员会阅读申请文件并挑选面试者.
  • First or second week of June -通过电子邮件通知面试者面试日期和时间.
  • No later than mid-June - Interviews held.
  • Within a few days of the interviews - Recipient selection by interview committee. 获奖者将通过电话通知,而非获奖者将通过电子邮件通知.

The Phi Theta Kappa scholarship offers an extra $2,向转入新大的Phi Theta Kappa活跃会员提供6000美元. 这项补充奖学金旨在与转学奖学金相结合. 要申请,你必须提交PTK奖学金申请,链接如下. 秋季颁发20个奖项,春季颁发10个奖项. PTK奖学金最多可续签5个学期,前提是全日制入学并获得3.00 GPA are maintained.


  • 你现在就读的两年制大学必须是Phi Theta Kappa的积极成员.
  • 必须完成至少50个可转换学分,至少3.50 cumulative transferable GPA.
  • Additionally, students must be a U.S. 有资格获得此奖学金的公民或永久居民.
  • 提交两封学术推荐信,可以通过电子邮件发送到
  • Submit the PTK Honor Scholarship application form (你需要知道你的PTK导师的姓名和电子邮件地址才能完成申请表格.)
  • Candidates are selected based on PTK membership, demonstrated leadership, community service and submitted materials including essay, letters of recommendation and application information. 


达拉斯学院Erin Tierney Kramp鼓励奖学金的两名获得者每年都会被选中在新大继续他们的大学教育. 该奖学金将支付五个学期的学杂费. 学生必须在他们的申请中表明他们是ETK的接受者. 如果有两名以上的获奖者申请,教师小组将对候选人进行面试.


  • Complete at least 50 transferable credit hours.
  • Minimum 3.50 transferable GPA.

Deadline is April 1 for fall entry.


Noyce Scholars receive $30,000 for their junior and senior years at SMU, 有额外的奖学金和基于需要的奖学金. During that time, 学生获得数学和教育双学位,并在当地学校开始教学,并承诺在高需求学校继续教学四年. 

After completing coursework, 诺伊斯学者在新大教师的指导下,以学生教师或实习教师的身份在达拉斯学校工作. After completing their student teaching or internships, 诺伊斯学者获得了在德克萨斯州公立学校任教的认证, 该项目协助在达拉斯ISD的安置选择. 


被录取的转学生可以申请新大提供的额外捐赠奖学金. To submit a scholarship application, please visit the Scholarship Application Portal.

获取其他奖学金的全面列表, please refer to our Financial Aid Scholarship site: SMU Financial Aid Scholarships.